The Stevens Creek Student/Parent Handbook contains important information on policies and procedures. This Handbook is not intended to cover every situation, but should be regarded as a general guide for reference. Should you require a printed copy, please contact the school office and one will be made available upon request.
- Attendance
- Communication
- Curriculum
- General Information
- Health
- Safety
- Student Behavior / PBIS
- Student Support
- Traffic Procedures
The Governing Board believes that regular attendance plays an important role in student achievement. The Board shall work with parents/guardians and students to ensure their compliance with all state attendance laws, and may use appropriate legal means to correct problems of chronic absence or truancy. Please visit the CUSD Attendance Policies and Regulations website for complete attendance information.
Absence from school shall be excused only for health reasons, family emergencies, and justifiable personal reasons, as permitted by law, Board policy, and administrative regulations. (Education Code 48205)
State law requires that all absences due to illness be verified each day a student is absent. Please ensure that you call our Absence Line each day your child is out sick.
If a student is out ill for 5 days or more, a doctor's note may be required before the student returns to school. After 7 or more non-consecutive absences due to illness during the school year, a doctor’s note is required to verify the illness.
The District does not support the practice of taking trips/vacations on school days. Absences due to family trips are unexcused. Short-term Independent Study (5-10 days) is not available for families. The District will not hold a student’s seat at a school after a ten-day absence. The Student Assignment Office will work with families upon their return to confirm residency and school assignment when an absence is more than ten days and is not pre-approved.
Absence Reporting / Attendance Line
Please be sure to report the absence by completing the Absence/Tardy form, emailing stevenscreek_frontoffice@cusdk8.org or calling the attendance line before 9:30 am when your child is sick or will be late. The Attendance Line number is 408-245-3312, option 6. State your name and relationship to the child, and the nature of the illness or medical need when you call. The Attendance Line will record your message during non-school hours (4:00 pm - 8:45 am). Informing the teacher, but not the school office, may result in an unexcused absence for your child.
Attendance Letters
Late letters are sent when your child has arrived to class late, but before 9:15 a.m. The letters are sent when your child has been late 5, 8, and 12 times.
Truancy letters are sent after 3 and 5 unexcused absences or tardies (30 minutes late or more). At 10 absences or tardies, you may be required to attend either the District’s Student Attendance Review Board (SARB) meeting or a mediation meeting with the Santa Clara County District Attorney and District staff.
Illness letters are sent when your child has missed 7 days due to illnesses that were not verified by a doctor or school staff. You will be required to get a doctor's note for all future absences when your child is sick. To avoid this, ask your doctor for a note each time you go, verifying the appointment or illness. Those days will not be counted towards the 7 days.
Please note: You will be contacted by the office if it becomes necessary to meet with you to discuss your child's attendance, or be referred to the School Attendance Review Board (SARB).
Classwork/Homework During Absences
When a child is absent during the school day, especially due to illness, please do not have the child come to school to get his/her classwork or homework. If a child is ill, he/she needs to stay home. Aside from the student’s own health, there is a risk that others may be exposed.
If a student's absence is excused under Education Code 48205, he/she shall be allowed to complete any missed assignment or test that can be reasonably given, as determined by the teacher. The student shall be given full credit for the assignment or test if he/she satisfactorily completes the assignment or test within a reasonable period of time. (Education Code 48205) A student's grades may be affected by excessive unexcused absences in accordance with Board policy.
Each teacher has a homework policy that will be described at Back To School Night. If a student is absent for an extended period for an excused reason, teachers will provide classwork as soon as they can, but at least by day 4. If a student is absent for less than 4 days, work sent home is optional, but students will have the opportunity to make up the work when they return to school.
If a student is absent for unexcused reasons, including travel, students will not receive the classwork during the time of the absence. However, a teacher may save the classwork and provide it to the student for optional completion once he/she returns.
Medical Appointments
Please make appointments before or after school hours. However, if this is not possible, please abide by the following procedures:
Leaving School Early
Parents must first come to the office to sign students out. Office staff will call your child from class and your child will meet you in the office. Do not go to your child’s classroom to pick up your child. Leaving early on a regular basis to attend after school tutoring or non-medical appointments is not excused. If you have an unusual circumstance, please contact the principal.
Coming To School Late
Upon arrival, students must check in at the office and receive a late slip to enter the classroom. If your child is late for an excused reason, such as a medical appointment, please send your child to the office with a note from the doctor verifying the appointment.
Extended Absence Policy
Students who are absent for more than ten (10) consecutive days for an unexcused reason will be dropped from the roster of their school. Please note, vacation/travel is considered an unexcused absence. When the student returns, if space is available, the student will be reinstated. If no space is available, the student will be assigned to another school in the District where space is available.
First Day of School Policy
Students are expected to be in attendance on the first day of school. If a student is absent on the first day of school, the parent/guardian must contact the school as soon as possible to report the reason for the absence. Extended family vacation/travel is considered an unexcused absence.
Last Day of School Policy
Students are expected to be in attendance on the last day of school. If a student is absent on the last day of school, the parent/guardian must contact the school as soon as possible to report the reason for the absence. Family vacation/travel is considered an unexcused absence.
Classroom Communication
There are several forms of communication in which teachers utilize, such as newsletters, emails, blogs, etc. to keep parents informed of what is going on in the classroom. Communication is monthly at a minimum.
Communication With Teachers And School Administration
You are encouraged to notify the teacher right away if you feel your child is having a problem in school (in class or on the playground). Also, let the school know if your child is experiencing a difficult situation (divorce, illness in family) that may affect his/her performance in school. Please do not wait hoping for the problem to go away or settle itself. The simplest and most successful solutions happen when concerns are communicated before they escalate.
Conferences With Teachers
Goal setting conferences are scheduled in the beginning of October. During these meetings, parents, teachers and students (depending on age) work together to set student goals for the year. You may contact your child’s teacher to schedule a conference if one is needed at any other time.
District School Board Meetings
Board Meetings are business meetings of the Board in a public setting. They are generally held at 6:00 p.m. on the second and fourth Thursday of the month when schools are in session; the schedule may vary during the summer and holidays. Most meetings are held in person in the CUSD Board Room located at 1309 S. Mary Avenue, Suite 150, Sunnyvale. Meetings are also streamed live. It is to your advantage to learn about the School District by attending these bimonthly meetings.
Messages for Teachers/Staff
Teachers have telephones in their classrooms. You may leave a voicemail for teachers when needed (calls from outside lines do not ring during school hours). Please dial the school main number (408-245-3312) and then use the directions to access the teacher. Teachers may also be reached by email: lastname_firstname@cusdk8.org.
Thursday Folders
The Thursday Folder is the teacher’s main form of weekly communication with the parents. Student work and teacher notes are sent home weekly. It is important for parents to review the folder with their child each week and return it Friday. If you have questions, call, email, or write the teacher a short note.
Parent Contact Information
Parent contact information is provided to the school via the health and enrollment card. Report any changes of address, phone or work, emergency contact and childcare providers information to the office immediately, including updates to medical conditions and medication. Failure to do so may result in school communication not being properly shared. Additionally, your child’s safety may depend on it in a medical emergency. Office records are also used for the release of students in a disaster situation.
Parent Square
CUSD and Stevens Creek staff use ParentSquare, a two-way communications platform, for district and school communication. With ParentSquare you can:
Receive district, school, classroom, and group communication via email, text, or app
Communicate in the language you prefer (for example, receive and reply in Spanish but the teacher gets the reply in English)
Receive communication at the time you prefer - immediately or at a specific set time (daily digest)
View District, school, and classroom information in one place
View calendars
Complete forms
You can use ParentSquare on any device. You can download the free mobile app for Android or iOS and/or access it from a computer on the ParentSquare website.
If you want to request an invitation for a certain email account, you can request one on the ParentSquare website. Please note that this request has to be made with the email address currently on file with CUSD. If you do not remember which email is on file with CUSD, please fill out the "Join Your School" form on the website.
The Stevens Creek PTO works diligently to support all students, teachers and staff, with a variety of programs and fundraising initiatives. Check out the PTO website to find out more about what activities they organize and sponsor, and how you can be involved. Joining the PTO is an excellent way to build community, make friends and get informed. http://www.stevenscreekpto.org
Report Cards
Report cards are issued three times a year, at the close of each trimester. The marks on the report card represent the teacher’s evaluation of your child’s progress toward meeting grade level standards. The report card is a means of reporting progress. The staff welcomes any questions you may have concerning the marks or comments on the report card.
School Telephone
Students may use the office telephone for emergency purposes only. Calling a parent for permission to visit a friend after school is not considered an emergency. Telephone calls for homework or forgotten textbooks may be made only at the teacher’s request.
At CUSD and Stevens Creek, our goal is for all learners to take ownership of their learning, while being deep, critical thinkers, strong communicators, collaborators, and creative, civic minded problem solvers. We expect our students to exhibit innovation and seek out challenges, while working in collaborative teams to deepen understanding, and solve complex problems. We work to achieve this through the adopted curriculum and teaching strategies that support our Portrait of a Learner aspiration for all students. For information on the District adopted curriculum, please visit the Curriculum webpage.
English Language Development (ELD)
Students identified as English Language Learners (ELL) will receive 30 minutes of designated daily instruction within their classroom or grade level to develop English skills necessary to access content area classes and develop fluency in speaking, listening, reading, and writing. During Designated ELD, students will engage in a variety of academic collaborative interactions (paired, small group and whole group) about content and complex text, develop vocabulary and various grammatical structures from complex texts and tasks and learn to use language skillfully when writing different text types in different content areas.
Student progress is monitored throughout the year, using ELPAC/ALPI/Alternate ELPAC, CAASPP/CAA and district benchmark assessments. Monitoring begins in late August. Newly registered EL students are identified based on initial ELPAC results. Returning EL students are identified based on their summative ELPAC data taken in the Spring. For more information on ELD, please visit the District website or the CUSD ELD Master Plan.
Students should always check to make sure they have the books and papers they will need to complete their homework. Teachers usually spend a few minutes at the end of the day reminding students of what they need to complete at home. We occasionally have students come back to campus requesting to get into their classrooms to retrieve forgotten materials. If their teacher has left for the day, students will need to wait until the following day. The office staff will not be able to open the classroom door. Organizing oneself is an important skill students need to learn. If this is a continued problem for your child, please work with your child’s teacher on possible solutions.
Homework should:
Reinforce, enrich and extend what is learned in school.
Help develop good work habits and scheduling of time.
Promote growth in personal responsibility.
Provide opportunities for increasing self-direction.
Be able to be completed with little or no direction from parents.
Examples of homework are:
Studying for a test
Preparing for sharing time and oral reports
Preparing book and other types of reports
Making up work missed through absences
Completing unfinished work
Please note that for each grade level, the homework policy may differ as to types of homework activities.
The recommended amount of time, according to the Cupertino Union School District’s policy, is 15-30 minutes per day for K through 3rd grade, and 40-60 minutes per day for 4th through 5th grade children. Children vary in the amount of time they need to spend on homework, so these suggested times are guidelines for teachers and parents. Homework is generally limited to Monday through Thursday and is not assigned over the major holidays. Long-range projects are scheduled well in advance and parents are informed.
Homework Responsibilities for Parents
Provide a positive environment and atmosphere
Help your child set aside a regular time for homework
Make sure you have a quiet, well-lit place for your child to work
Make sure you have the necessary materials available, such as dictionaries, pencils, paper, etc.
Be familiar with your child’s homework assignments. Check completion of homework
Follow-up on suggestions from your child’s teacher to help your child when problems arise
Call the teacher right away if you have any questions or concerns about the homework
Homework Responsibilities for Students
Write down all your assignments
Write down the date the assignment is due
Ask questions about any confusing parts of the assignment and be sure you understand what your teacher expects from you
Before leaving class, make sure you understand the purpose of the assignment
Before leaving school make sure you have all the materials you need to bring home for the assignment
General Information
Before/After School Care
Before and after school student care is not available. However, the Northwest YMCA is located on campus and is available on a paid basis. Student care hours are from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Contact the Northwest YMCA at 408-737-9844 for fee and registration information. Please note this program is not affiliated with Stevens Creek or CUSD, but is conveniently located on our school campus. All questions should be directed to the YMCA.
Bicycles, Skateboards, Rollerblades, Skate Shoes And Self-propelled Vehicles
Students may ride bicycles to school with parent permission. Students are responsible for locking their bikes in the bike cage. Bicycles, skateboards, rollerblades, scooters, and wheeled shoes (“Heelies”) are not to be ridden on school grounds at any time. Such items will be confiscated if ridden on school grounds and held in the office until parents pick them up. No self-propelled vehicles, go karts, motor scooters, motorcycles, automobiles or any other vehicular traffic are permitted on school grounds.
Classroom/Birthday Celebrations
In accordance with the District’s Health and Wellness policy, classroom celebrations held during the school day involving food will be limited to once a month and must meet nutritional requirements and shall be held after the lunch period when possible. If parents/guardians donate food, it must be pre-packaged with a nutrition label and allergy identification to ensure the health and safety of students. (BP 5030) Parents must get prior approval from the teacher before bringing food for celebrations. If parents and students want others to share in their birthday celebrations by providing something for students, they may provide non-edible items only, such as pencils or stickers. Invitations and thank you cards for birthdays should not be passed out at school. No special deliveries such as flowers or balloons are allowed.
Cell Phone Use, Smart Watches, Activity Trackers
Students are allowed to bring cell phones, but they must be stored in their backpack all day. Please note that backpacks may be stored outside the classroom. Cell phones should not be used for any reason, including making phone calls, taking pictures, watching videos, accessing social media, etc. on school grounds. Students are allowed to wear smartwatches and other activity trackers. However, they are not to be used to make calls, text or access social media. If they become a distraction to the learning environment, they may be asked to be removed. Please note, if students bring these personal items to school, they do so at their own risk. The school is not responsible for loss or damage. Any device with camera, video, or voice recording function shall not be used in any manner which infringes on the privacy rights of any other person. Failure to abide by this policy may result in the personal technology device being confiscated and the loss of personal technology devices possession privileges at the discretion of the site administrator.
Class Placement/Teacher Requests
The Stevens Creek staff works together to make class assignments. The goal is to provide each teacher with a well-balanced, heterogeneous group of children, which allows each learner to have an appropriate learning environment. The school does not accept requests for specific teachers.
You are encouraged to submit donations to the school at any time. Tax-deductible donations can be made in the form of checks (payable to CEEF) or online here. The Stevens Creek PTO also accepts donations to help fund programs not otherwise available, such as technology, art and music. A letter may be requested to substantiate the donation for tax purposes.
Student Dress Attire
Students are expected to attend school dressed in a manner that is not hazardous to their safety or the safety of others, and which does not detract from the learning environment. Shoes must be worn at all times and be appropriate for physical education activities. Short shorts or dresses exposing most of the thigh, bare midriffs, see through clothing, obscene language, or reference to drugs, tobacco products and/or alcohol are not permitted. If a student wears a prohibited clothing item, they must be covered up and/or parents may be called to bring a change of clothing to school.
Lost And/Or Damaged Books
Students who have lost or damaged library books or textbooks will be requested to pay for the books. A student who has lost or damaged a library book will not be allowed to borrow additional library books until the school is reimbursed for the lost or damaged book.
Lost and Found
The Lost and Found is located outside the long hallway, near the student café. All articles found on the school grounds will be placed in the Lost and Found. Please check if your child is missing sweaters, coats, lunch boxes, etc. Unclaimed articles are donated periodically to a local charity.
Hot Lunch will be provided free of charge for all CUSD students throughout the school year. No sign-up is needed. If your child has forgotten his/her lunch, they can get a hot lunch or you may bring a lunch, labeled with your child’s name, and place it on the designated cart near the pick-up/drop-off area. Do not deliver lunches directly to the classroom. At lunchtime, students should automatically check the lunch cart or get a free hot lunch. The office staff is not responsible to notify students of lunch delivery.
Lunch Procedures
- Please refer to the Daily Schedule for grade level lunch times.
- Students eat their own lunch. For health and safety reasons, students may not share food.
- Food from home should be packed in non-breakable containers only. No glass of any kind is allowed.
- Students will follow the lunch behavior expectations (see Student Behavior/PBIS section)
- For help opening food containers, students should raise their hands for adult help.
- Each student is responsible for picking up his/her own trash on the table, under the table and “blown” away from the table.
- As part of a classroom “job” some students may use the broom and dustpan to sweep around the grade level area after the bell rings.
- Students that need to get up from the lunch table (i.e. get a drink of water, go to the bathroom, throw away trash) need to raise their hands to get permission to leave the table.
- Students are dismissed table by table by the Noon Aides.
- Lunch boxes are placed by the student’s classroom after the table is dismissed.
- Food needs to be consumed at the lunch tables during lunchtime. Food is not allowed in the play area.
Office Hours
The office is open for routine business with the school community between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm every day students are in session. It is recommended that parents/guardians/visitors call (408-245-3312) or email the front office (stevenscreek_frontoffice@cusdk8.org) for questions and correspondence.
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
The number one reason to join the PTO is to benefit your child. In doing so, you also help the school and incest in your child’s educational opportunities. The Stevens Creek PTO plays an important role by supporting programs like TK-1 CSMA Music, K-5 CSMA Art, Grades 4-5 Fun Math, grade level Instructional Assistants for student intervention, Project Cornerstone, Classroom Grants, Librarian hours and so much more! The PTO functions like Scare Fair, Walkathon, and Family nights are excellent opportunities to meet other parents, students and teachers. PTO holds monthly meetings to plan our events and discuss programs to bring to life. For more information on how to support the PTO, volunteer, or join the team visit: https://sites.google.com/stevenscreekpto.org/
Rainy Day Procedures
On rainy days, all classrooms are open to students at 8:30 am. All activities, including lunch and recess, are held inside. There is supervision by members of the staff during recess, and Noon Aide personnel during lunch.
School Pictures
Individual school pictures are taken in the fall and spring. Class photos are usually taken in the spring.
Spirit Days
Every Friday is designated as a “School Spirit Day”. Staff and students are encouraged to wear school colors (blue and yellow), Walkathon t-shirts, or school t-shirts or sweatshirts. Student Council will also plan monthly spirit days throughout the year, which will be on the school calendar once determined. Show your Superstar Pride!
Student Records
You may request a copy of your child’s cumulative records at any time throughout the year by submitting a written request to the Principal. There is a charge of $0.25 copy charge per page. This includes any copies for immunization records and report cards.
Student Transfers/Moving
If you plan to move away from Stevens Creek School during the school year, please notify the office several days prior to the last day of attendance. School records are forwarded by mail only at the request of the new school.
Toys and Sport Equipment from Home
Students are not to bring toys, trading cards, electronic devices, game consoles, sports equipment, or any other items from home, unless specifically required for a class project by the teacher. Toys brought for sharing, class projects or classroom use should remain in the classroom during recess and lunch and are brought at your own risk.
The staff at Stevens Creek Elementary recognizes and appreciates that volunteer assistance in schools can significantly enrich the educational program, increase supervision of students, contribute to school safety, and strengthen a school’s relationship with the community.
We encourage parents/guardians and other members of the community to share their time, knowledge and abilities with students. The CUSD Board, in compliance with California Education Code Section 35021 and Board Policy 1240, requires school volunteers to be screened and authorized to volunteer. Volunteers who may be in contact with students outside the presence of certificated staff, however briefly, must arrange for a California Department of Justice (DOJ) fingerprint submission prior to volunteering. Also, volunteers who will have frequent or prolonged contact with students must also be TB tested and cleared. These requirements are in place given an abundance of caution for student safety and well-being.
Visit the District Volunteering Site for more information and steps to take to be cleared to volunteer.
All volunteers must sign in at the front office and wear a volunteer badge while on campus. Volunteers may not bring younger children on campus while working on a volunteer assignment for a teacher, the PTO or the school. Please contact your child’s teacher, PTO or Room Parent Coordinator, for more information on specific ways to volunteer.
Health Services
Administrators, Secretaries or other staff who have had First Aid training can perform emergency first aid. Students injured while at school are cared for in the following ways:
The teacher, who may keep the student under observation in the classroom, may inspect an injury.
For a more serious injury, the child is sent to the office for first aid.
The parents are routinely notified in the following situations and may be asked to pick up their child:
Any blow to the head
Injury to the eye
Bee or insect stings
School Nurse
The school nurse is on campus one day a week and may be contacted in an emergency. The school nurse completes state mandated screenings (vision, hearing) at designated grade levels. If your child has a suspected health problem, the school nurse will contact you.
If your child requires modifications to physical activities, or requires the use of assistive devices such as a cast, neck brace, ankle brace, special boot, crutches, etc., a doctor’s note with the anticipated duration of use and specific restrictions is required. Students with assistive devices (i.e. crutches, wheelchair) cannot be at school without proper documentation.
Illness Guidelines
It is important that our students follow good health practices at all times and remain home when they are ill.
Nausea or vomiting
Students may not return to school until symptom-free without medication for at least 24 hours.
Students may not return to school until symptom-free without medication for at least 24 hours. *Note: Diarrhea is considered two or more loose stools in one day.
A temperature of 100 degrees F (38 C) or higher
Students may not return to school until fever-free without medication for at least 24 hours.
Conjunctivitis (pink eye)
Severe headache
Continuous coughing or runny nose
Evidence of communicable disease
This evidence could include but is not limited to a rash, swelling unrelated to an injury, or an unusually sore throat.
Undiagnosed rash
Rashes must be verified as non-contagious by a physician or nurse practitioner before the child may return to school. A note must be provided.
*The school nurse may clear a student with known chronic illnesses (asthma, allergies, migraines, etc.)
If a student is sent home from school for feeling ill, the child may not return to school that day. A doctor’s note for absences over (7) days is required (CUSD Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 5113).
If your student needs medication while at school, please note the following:
Schools do not supply any medication to students, including over-the-counter (OTC) medications such as Benadryl, Tylenol, etc. Medications must be supplied by the student's parent or legal guardian.
Each medication, whether prescription or OTC, should be accompanied by a signed doctor's order (see student medication authorization form)
Each prescription medication should have a pharmacy label and all medications should be in the original box/container. The label should match the doctor's order.
The Student Medication Authorization Form must be completed, front and back, and signed by both the physician and the student's parent or legal guardian. EACH prescribed and/or OTC medication must be listed on the Authorization Form.
For anaphylactic allergy medications, including EpiPens, the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Action Plan protocol must be completed.
All forms and medication need to be placed in a gallon-size Ziplock bag and labeled with the student's name and grade on the outside.
Please remember to check the medication periodically to make sure that it does not expire during the school year. Expired medications will be discarded.
If a student is expected to administer their own medications, the medication must be stored in the health office and the Self-Administration Form must be completed and signed by the student's doctor and a parent or legal guardian.
All medication orders for the following school year must be dated after the end of the current school year.
Rare exceptions, such as emergency medication at the time of a bee sting, or the giving of sugar in the case of an insulin reaction may occur. Students are not to carry any type of medicine, including cough drops, eye drops or any kind of medicated lotions, in their backpacks or on themselves. All medications are to be picked up on the last day of every school year.
Mental Health
The well being of our students, staff, and families is a top priority. Here is a list of optional local and national resources that support mental health particularly, in crisis situations. Please note, if you have a serious and immediate safety concern regarding a student, yourself, or someone you know, please call 9-1-1. If your concern needs immediate mental health attention, support is also available by contacting one of the hotlines listed on the Mental Health Resource List.
Emergency Contact Information
You must include information to allow the school to get in touch with you in case of an emergency. List home and work numbers, voicemail/email, and contact people who can find you quickly in case of an emergency or to whom you give permission to pick up your child. List all up-to-date medical conditions and medication. Your child’s health and safety may depend on it.
Parents are expected to be able to make arrangements to pick up an ill or injured child within 30 minutes of our phone call. No child is sent home until the parent is contacted and a plan is made for transportation. It is critical that all families have up-to-date contact and emergency contact phone numbers on record with the school where they, or a designee, can be reached immediately in an emergency situation. Transportation home is the responsibility of the parent.
Vision and Hearing Testing
Vision screening is done for all children in TK, K, 2nd and 5th grades, and for others as requested. The hearing test is done by the Santa Clara County Audiometric services for grades 1, 2 and 5 each year.
When it comes to safety on our campuses and the well-being of our students, CUSD continually addresses these top priorities through multiple actions.
Our school site emphasizes a culture of kindness, inclusion, and connection through daily best practices, special school-wide initiatives, and social-emotional learning for all students. Every day, teachers, administration, and staff work together to make school a safe place where students feel connected and have a strong sense of belonging.
Stevens Creek maintains a strong partnership with our local safety agencies (Santa Clara County Sheriff Department and City of Cupertino Fire Department). Our School Resource Officer (SRO) works hard to build positive relationships with students and staff. Annually, our SRO train staff and we conduct a run, hide, and defend drill on campus. We also participate in annual safety inspections with the fire department.
Everyone in our close-knit community plays an essential role in maintaining public safety. For this reason, please read through the following safety information and abide by the safety rules.
Animals are not permitted on the school grounds before, during or after school, as posted on the metal signs located on the perimeter fence. Horses, dogs, and cats are examples of forbidden animals, but this is by no means a complete list. Any animal that is necessary under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 will be allowed.
Stevens Creek is prepared in the event of an emergency. Our school has a disaster plan for student safety coordinated with the District plan. Staff is prepared to make prompt and responsible decisions in any situation that could threaten the safety of students.
The need to close a school and evacuate the students before the regularly scheduled closing time could arise from a relatively minor emergency, such as a prolonged interruption of power, or from a major event, such as fire, earthquake, or severe storm. At times, communication and/or transportation may be disrupted.
Information will be shared using ParentSquare alerts (text, email, and phone call) and on the CUSD and school websites.
Social media Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/cupertinoUSD/) and Instagram (https://instagram.com/cusdk8) may also be utilized.
Information may also be posted at the school site.
No student will be dismissed from school unless a parent (or individual designated in writing by a parent) comes for him/her.
No child will be allowed to leave with another person, even a relative or babysitter, unless we have written permission to that effect, or that particular person is listed on the student’s Enrollment/Health card in our files and can identify him/herself. It is critical that the information on your student’s health enrollment card be up to date for this purpose.
All parents or designated persons who come for students must sign out at the school office or at the temporary student release station. Signs will be posted if this alternate location is required.
If you are not able to reach the school in an emergency, we will care for your child until you arrive (or the person designated in writing by you). We have a number of staff members with first aid certificates, and we will communicate with local emergency services. We do ask for your help in the following ways:
Please do not call the school. We must have the lines open for emergency calls.
Do access your phone/computer for ParentSquare updates.
Following an earthquake or other emergency, do not immediately drive to the school. The school access route and street entrance areas must remain clear for emergency vehicles and/or may be cluttered with debris.
Volunteer to help. Report to the Control Center at the front of the school by Room 17/18, if you can volunteer to help with traffic, first aid, calming children, search and rescue, etc.
It is important that we be prepared personally and in relationships with others in our school community as well as the broader community. During the year, your student will be trained in the necessary emergency procedures. Students will learn how to react, where to assemble, and what to expect in an emergency situation. Education and preparation are our best allies. If you have any questions regarding your school’s disaster plan for student safety, please call the Cupertino Union School District Office at (408) 252-3000, Ext. 61341.
Comprehensive Safety Plan
Our school site has Comprehensive School Safety Plans, updated annually in collaboration with local law and emergency agencies. It includes protocols and procedures for Incident Command Systems, Emergency Response Teams, First Aid Supplies, School Emergency Drill Reports, Lockdowns, and more. Stevens Creek’s safety plan can be found here.
Food Donations
When providing food donations for a school activity, such as a classroom party, parents/guardians should provide pre-packaged food items with a nutrition label and allergy identification to ensure the health and safety of students. (BP 5030) Parents must get prior approval from the teacher before bringing food for celebrations.
Student Supervision
Students should abide by the following procedures at arrival and dismissal times. For your child’s safety, it is important to note that there is no supervision provided by the school beyond the arrival and dismissal times.
Supervision begins at 8:30 am. Because there is no supervision, children are not to arrive at school before this time. A bell rings at 8:30 am to indicate when students are allowed on campus.
TK and Kindergarten parents are required to walk their children to the classroom and wait with them until the bell rings for school to start.
When students arrive on campus, they must walk to their designated classroom line up areas. Students are not to play on the structures, blacktop or field before school.
If a child arrives after 8:45 am, he/she must first go to the office to get a late slip before going to class.
For specific arrival/drop off procedures, refer to the “Traffic Procedures” section of this handbook.
There is no adult supervision of students after school hours. (Primary: 2:50 pm; Upper: 3:20 pm; 2:15 Tuesdays).
Students need to leave campus promptly after their school dismissal.
Children who receive a ride, must wait in the drop off/pick up area in front of the school, and need to be picked up promptly after their dismissal time.
Children who walk are to go directly home and not wait for older brothers or sisters to be dismissed.
Students are not to play on the playground structure, nor the field after dismissal.
Parents of student(s) who are repeatedly not picked up promptly, will be contacted by the principal.
If an emergency prevents you from picking up your child on time, make alternate arrangements and notify the school. Please make sure that your contact and emergency contact information is up-to-date; the office cannot release your child to any person who is not on your child’s emergency contact list.
For specific student pick-up procedures, refer to the “Traffic Procedures” section of this handbook.
Traffic Procedures
The safety of Stevens Creek students is of the highest importance to both staff and parents. Your cooperation in following the procedures outlined below will help make drop off and pick up times safer and calmer for all involved. Please be sure to review this information carefully, and share it with those responsible for transporting your child to and from school. Safety around the school and neighborhood is everyone’s responsibility.
The parking lot areas are reserved for staff, busses and handicap drivers displaying a valid permit ONLY. Please park along the neighborhood streets, or in front of the school, away from the red zones.
General Safety
Drive slowly around the school and in the parking lot.
Stay off of cell phones.
Watch for pedestrians, bikes and other cars.
If crossing the street, do so in the designated crosswalks only. It is not safe to cross in any other area.
The yellow loading zone is the only area within the parking lot in which students are permitted to be dropped off or picked up. It is unsafe to use any other area.
Be mindful of the bus loading zone and do not block this area.
Follow all signs in the parking lot.
Remember, you are in an area with a lot of children present. NOTHING is worth putting their lives at risk.
We are a CLOSED campus between the hours of 6:00 am - 4:00 pm. Adults picking up and dropping off students are allowed on campus for the limited times listed in the below procedures.
Morning Drop-Off Procedures
Students are NOT allowed on campus prior to 8:30 a.m. There is no supervision.
Vehicle Drop-Off Procedures
Parents of students in Grades 1-5 are permitted to drive and drop off their students in the designated student drop-off area.
Adults must stay in their car at all times, and will not be allowed to get out to assist their child. If your child requires help getting out of the car, you must park on the street and walk to campus.
Pull all the way forward in the drop off zone - even if your child’s classroom is at the beginning of the drop-off zone. Fill in the gaps before allowing your child to exit the vehicle.
Your child should be ready to get out of the car along the yellow curb. Students should exit the vehicle from the right side (passenger side) only.
Make sure your child has their backpack in the car so they can exit on their own. Do not put backpacks in the trunk.
Students are not to get out of cars in any other area of the parking lot outside of the designated drop-off area.
Do not park in the parking lot (even a minute). All spots are reserved for staff. We have staff members who work at different schools and need these spaces at different times in the day, including the start of school.
Non-Vehicle Drop-off Procedures
Students are encouraged to walk, bike, scooter etc. to school to help reduce vehicle traffic. A bike rack is stationed at the north pedestrian entrance.
TK/Kinder teachers encourage families to park and walk their child to the TK/K play area gate.
Adults may walk their child to their classroom line at drop off between 8:30 a.m. and 8:45 a.m., but must exit campus no later than 8:45 a.m., with the exception of cleared volunteers that have signed in at the office. There is a bell at 8:30 am that will indicate you may enter campus, and one at 8:45 am to indicate the start of instruction.
After School Pick-Up Procedures
Important Note: The campus is CLOSED until 4 p.m. every day. Students and parents are not allowed to stay on school grounds after dismissal (this includes parents and students that have a sibling with a later dismissal). No supervision is provided after school and students must be picked up on time. Primary students are not permitted to wait alone for their older sibling's dismissal. Please make sure your child is aware of your family’s pick-up plan.
Vehicle Pick-Up Procedures
Vehicles should not enter the parking lot before 2:30 pm
Between 2:30 and 3:00, 4th/5th grade parents may not wait in the loading zone to pick up your child. You may park your car outside the parking lot area to wait for your older child, or reenter the loading area after 3:00.
Pull all the way forward - even if you see your child by the beginning of the pick-up area. Fill in the gaps before allowing your child to enter the vehicle.
Students should enter the vehicle from the right side (passenger side) only.
Backpacks should go in the vehicle with the child, not in the trunk.
Students are not allowed to enter cars outside the loading area of the parking lot.
Do not park in the parking lot (even a minute). All spots are reserved for staff. We have staff members who work at different schools and need these spaces at different times in the day, including at the end of the school day.
Non-Vehicles Pick-Up Procedures
For primary students (grades TK-3) you may meet your child at their classroom at the end of the day. Please do not enter campus before 2:45 p.m. However, you must vacate campus once reunited with your child, or by 2:55 pm. Parents waiting with their primary student for an upper grade sibling to be dismissed, must do so on the exterior of campus. Learning is still taking place between 2:50-3:20 for our 4/5 students, as well as our students in our Extended Learning Program, so we appreciate your assistance in keeping the campus clear while school is in session for students.
For upper grade student dismissal (grades 4-5), students will be released and meet you on the exterior of campus - not at the classroom door. Please make sure your child knows where to meet you at the end of the day.
If students have permission to walk or bike home alone, they will be excused by the teacher. Please make sure to inform the classroom teacher your child has permission to walk/bike home.
Safe Routes to School
The map below was developed in partnership with Safe Routes to School to assist parents and students in determining appropriate routes to bike and walk to school. The map highlights suggested walking and biking routes, travel times, and locations of stop signs, crosswalks, traffic signals, crossing guards, bike lanes and bike routes within the attendance area of each Stevens Creek. The map is intended to be used as a tool to help determine the route to school most suited to the individual student for their particular mode of travel.
All visitors must check-in at the front offices and wear a visitors badge. We encourage all staff and students to be diligent in saying something if they see something unusual or someone on campus without a badge.
Student Behavior / PBIS
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS)
At Stevens Creek, we have implemented PBIS as a school-wide framework for helping all students achieve important social and learning goals. We know that when good behavior and good teaching come together, our students will excel in their learning. For more information about PBIS, please see the Stevens Creek PBIS Handbook.
Playground Rules
To help students be Safe, Responsible, and Respectful on the blacktop, play structures and grass/field areas; please follow the Playground Rules so that it will be safe and fun for everyone. These are a list of general rules; others may be added, as needed.
Student Playground Expectations
I will stay in designated areas under staff supervision at all times.
Areas behind the portables and behind the track are out of bounds.
Students are not to be in the hallway, labs, library or classrooms, unless supervised by a staff member
No playing in front of the school.
I will display courtesy and good sportsmanship.
I will allow all fellow students to join in organized games and activities.
I will play at the assigned areas for different grade levels.
I will use the bathrooms appropriately.
I will not throw any objects, except balls or assigned P.E. equipment
I will play kicking ball games only on the grass, not on the blacktop, unless directed by the coach or teacher.
I will play chase games only on the grass.
I will play with only school assigned equipment.
I will leave my own equipment at home and not bring it to school.
I will use appropriate language and not name-call or swear.
I will only slide down the slide one person at a time. (No climbing up)
I will keep my hands and feet to myself to keep everyone safe.
If I am involved in a conflict or see a conflict that could involve physical aggression, I will get assistance from the yard duty personnel immediately.
If I am involved in a minor disagreement, I may request the assistance of the Peace Patrol to help solve the problem.
I will not cut in line or allow other students to cut.
I will not climb trees, fences, or the building structures.
I will report behavior that is unsafe or hurtful to others.
I will return any playground equipment back to class after recess
I will walk on the black top, unless I am participating in a game (ie basketball).
I will run on the grass.
TK/Kindergarten Playground Rules
Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
Share all equipment; take turns.
Use equipment safely.
You may only go down the slide feet first. Do not climb up the slide.
Only go to the top of the slide when the child has reached the bottom.
Do not swing or tie things with the jump ropes.
Do not touch anyone who is on the bars.
Do not take hands or feet off the bars at any time.
Do not throw any equipment against classroom walls.
Response To Student Behaviors
In elementary school, students are still learning the school expectations and testing their boundaries. Stevens Creek recognizes that each child is unique and aims to support students’ social learning based on the individual student needs and progressive discipline.
As part of PBIS, students will randomly be recognized for making choices that are Safe, Responsible and Respectful. Recognition is in the form of specific verbal praise, or it may be written, in the form of a “green slip”. Each adult is challenged to acknowledge and validate at least five positive behaviors each day.
Most student conduct problems are handled by the classroom teacher or playground supervisors through conversation, verbal problem solving or other restorative practices. Staff will refer to the chart below when determining the discipline response. Some student conduct problems cannot be resolved by staff members. These students are referred to the principal.
Student Support
Stevens Creek is committed to assist students and their families to address the needs of all students and ensure that every student has equitable access to academic, social, and emotional resources that promote positive behaviors and improved outcomes.
When a student needs academic, behavioral, or social emotional support and is making little to no progress toward grade level expectancies, the classroom teacher and parent meet to identify key target areas of concern and to write a plan to support those areas of needed growth. If progress is not made a student should be brought to the parents and further school personnel may meet to brainstorm and come up with additional interventions and/or with next steps within the MTSS framework. If you have concerns about your child, please work with the classroom teacher.
Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)
This is a data-driven, problem-solving framework used at Stevens Creek to give targeted support to struggling students. This model helps us identify struggling students and intervene quickly to support behavior, social and emotional needs. The tiers of support get more intense from one level to the next.
Tier 1: Universal Prevention (All Students)
Tier 1 supports serve as the foundation for behavior and academics. These universal supports are provided to all students. For most students, the core program gives them what they need to be successful and to prevent future problems.
Tier 2: Targeted Prevention (Some Students)
Tier 2 practices and systems provide targeted support for students who are not successful with Tier 1 supports alone. The focus is on supporting students who are at risk for developing more serious challenges. Targeted interventions like these, implemented by typical school personnel, are likely to demonstrate positive effects for up to 67% of referred students.
Tier 3: Intensive, Individualized Prevention (Few)
Tier 3 supports are the most intensive supports the school offers. There are 1-5% of students for whom Tier 1 and Tier 2 supports have not connected. At Tier 3, these students receive more intensive, individualized support to improve their behavioral and academic outcomes.
Mental Health
For a list of optional local and national resources that support mental health, particularly in crisis situations, please visit the District Mental Health Resources webpage. Short-term school-based counseling is available as part of a multi-tiered system of support. For information on short-term counseling school-based counseling availability and criteria, please contact the school psychologist.
Special Education
CUSD, along with Stevens Creek, is committed to providing quality special education services in the least restrictive environment for all special needs children. Students are placed in programs that provide maximum inclusion in general education classes and maximum interaction with their non-disabled peers. All of our special education programs on site focus on building academic, social-emotional, communication, pre-vocational, vocational and functional life skills within the educational setting.
Special Education is specifically designed instruction to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability that has met the criteria under at least one special education eligibility category. For information on Special Education visit the District special education website or contact the school psychologist or principal.
Speech and Language Services
The Speech Language Pathologist provides speech and hearing therapy based upon the child’s needs. If you feel your child may have a speech or hearing problem, talk with the teacher about it. Students with suspected speech problems are referred to the Speech Language Pathologist by the staff.
Traffic Procedures
The safety of Stevens Creek students is of the highest importance to our staff. Your cooperation in the procedures outlined below will help make drop-off and pick-up times safer and calmer for all involved. Please be sure to review this information carefully, and share it with those responsible for transporting your child to and from school.
General Safety
Drive slowly around the school and in the parking lot.
Stay off of cell phones.
Watch for pedestrians, bikes and other cars.
If crossing the street, do so in the designated crosswalks only. It is not safe to cross in any other area.
The yellow loading zone is the only area within the parking lot in which students are permitted to be dropped off or picked up. It is unsafe to use any other area.
Be mindful of the bus loading zone and do not block this area.
Follow all signs in the parking lot.
Remember, you are in an area with a lot of children present. NOTHING is worth putting their lives at risk.
We are a CLOSED campus between the hours of 6:00 am - 4:00 pm. Adults picking up and dropping off students are allowed on campus for the limited times listed in the below procedures.
Morning Drop-Off Procedures
Students are NOT allowed on campus prior to 8:30 a.m. There is no supervision.
Vehicle Drop-Off Procedures
Parents of students in Grades 1-5 are permitted to drive and drop off their students in the designated student drop-off area.
Adults must stay in their car at all times, and will not be allowed to get out to assist their child. If your child requires help getting out of the car, you must park on the street and walk to campus.
Pull all the way forward in the drop off zone - even if your child’s classroom is at the beginning of the drop-off zone. Fill in the gaps before allowing your child to exit the vehicle.
Your child should be ready to get out of the car along the yellow curb. Students should exit the vehicle from the right side (passenger side) only.
Make sure your child has their backpack in the car so they can exit on their own. Do not put backpacks in the trunk.
Students are not to get out of cars in any other area of the parking lot outside of the designated drop-off area.
Do not park in the parking lot (even a minute). All spots are reserved for staff. We have staff members who work at different schools and need these spaces at different times in the day, including the start of school.
Non-Vehicle Drop-off Procedures
Students are encouraged to walk, bike, scooter etc. to school to help reduce vehicle traffic. A bike rack is stationed at the north pedestrian entrance.
TK/Kinder teachers encourage families to park and walk their child to the TK/K play area gate.
Adults may walk their child to their classroom line at drop off between 8:30 a.m. and 8:45 a.m., but must exit campus no later than 8:45 a.m., with the exception of cleared volunteers that have signed in at the office. There is a bell at 8:30 am that will indicate you may enter campus, and one at 8:45 am to indicate the start of instruction.
After School Pick-Up Procedures
Important Note: The campus is CLOSED until 4 p.m. every day. Students and parents are not allowed to stay on school grounds after dismissal (this includes parents and students that have a sibling with a later dismissal). No supervision is provided after school and students must be picked up on time. Primary students are not permitted to wait alone for their older sibling's dismissal. Please make sure your child is aware of your family’s pick-up plan.
Vehicle Pick-Up Procedures
Vehicles should not enter the parking lot before 2:30 pm
Between 2:30 and 3:00, 4th/5th grade parents may not wait in the loading zone to pick up your child. You may park your car outside the parking lot area to wait for your older child, or reenter the loading area after 3:00.
Pull all the way forward - even if you see your child by the beginning of the pick-up area. Fill in the gaps before allowing your child to enter the vehicle.
Students should enter the vehicle from the right side (passenger side) only.
Backpacks should go in the vehicle with the child, not in the trunk.
Students are not allowed to enter cars outside the loading area of the parking lot.
Do not park in the parking lot (even a minute). All spots are reserved for staff. We have staff members who work at different schools and need these spaces at different times in the day, including at the end of the school day.
Non-Vehicles Pick-Up Procedures
For primary students (grades TK-3) you may meet your child at their classroom at the end of the day. Please do not enter campus before 2:45 p.m. However, you must vacate campus once reunited with your child, or by 2:55 pm. Parents waiting with their primary student for an upper grade sibling to be dismissed, must do so on the exterior of campus. Learning is still taking place between 2:50-3:20 for our 4/5 students, as well as our students in our Extended Learning Program, so we appreciate your assistance in keeping the campus clear while school is in session for students.
For upper grade student dismissal (grades 4-5), students will be released and meet you on the exterior of campus - not at the classroom door. Please make sure your child knows where to meet you at the end of the day.
If students have permission to walk or bike home alone, they will be excused by the teacher. Please make sure to inform the classroom teacher your child has permission to walk/bike home.
Safe Routes to School
The map below was developed in partnership with Safe Routes to School to assist parents and students in determining appropriate routes to bike and walk to school. The map highlights suggested walking and biking routes, travel times, and locations of stop signs, crosswalks, traffic signals, crossing guards, bike lanes and bike routes within the attendance area of each Stevens Creek. The map is intended to be used as a tool to help determine the route to school most suited to the individual student for their particular mode of travel.